Where's my quota been used?

22 Mar 2008
I recently moved back in with my parents inbetween university years. At home there are three systems. My brothers gaming PC and mine, and my parent's very old PC. On getting home I find my dad has a new ISP - talktalk. He didn't know if it had a quota or anything - he liked the advert and price :(

Now the only other problem before now was the rubbish router overheating. But yesterday he go an email saying our monthly usage had been 76GB but he had a quota of 40GB.

I am however puzzled how we've used so much. We don't use torrents. But which of the following (which we do use) is likely to be using the most bandwdth hungry:
  • Moderate iplayer usage (30 mins/day)
  • Lots of gaming (~3-5hrs/day between both PCs)
  • General internet browsing

Would you think iplayer is causing this large usage or is gaming more demanding than I thought?
Router is secure. Only one person using router. I've accounted for around 15-20GB in downloading games from Steam and my brother downloading some FSX patches over and over again as they didnt work will also be a few gig. Iplayer usage also now looks more than I estimated it since my brother has been using it and also been watching youtube a lot. I'll be glad when I'm out and have my unlimited plan again!
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