Which 1440p ?

7 Mar 2007
Sunny London
So i just bought a new gfx 5700XT and of course like an idiot i didn't check what conectors it has :-(
My current monitor is a Benq Xl2411 144hz but it only outputs 144hz though DVI which my new card does not have.

I'm looking for a decent 27" or bigger 1440p monitor with 144hz and freesync to go with the 5700XT
My budget is around £350 - £400
I know nothing about monitors so if anyone has any recommendations that would be great.
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So i just bought a new gfx 5700XT and of course like an idiot i didn't check what conectors it has :-(
My current monitor is a Benq Xl2411 144hz but it only outputs 144hz though DVI which my new card does not have.

I'm looking for a decent 27" or bigger 1440p monitor with 144hz and freesync to go with the 5700XT
My budget is around £350 - £400
I know nothing about monitors so if anyone has any recommendations that would be great.

Use a display port or hdmi adaptor to DVI?
Have a read through the last half dozen pages of this thread to get up to speed with the quest for the holy grail ( a decent 1440p monitor)

By the time anything is available you will hopefully have a bit more in your budget because 350-400 isn’t going to cut it in terms of this current batch of monitors. As mentioned above, get an DP/HDMI to DVI cable for now and see how reviews and availability pan out by the end of the year.
Dont buy the LG GK850F Go for the LG650F instead. I have and its stunning. Same panel just no HDR400 wich is pointless anyway. Seriously nice bit of kit. The 650F is much cheaper too.
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