Which 27"?

Speculating, but if the Hazro 30" is £800 I don't think the 27" is going to be in the £300 bracket, which is the budget of the OP. Their 30" is competitive in price to Dell's 27", so perhaps the Harzro 27" will be competitive with the Dell 24", which currently is £470ish last time I checked and a fair bit more than the other 24" IPS displays from HP, NEC e.t.c.

I can' think of much else on budget other than the HannsG 27" that seems to get good reviews on here, forget the model number but you can't really miss it, literally! Huge!
For £300 I'm not sure you'll find much around and anything you do find is an upgrade in size but I suspect it'll not be much in terms of picture quality etc.
You will certainly be restricted to TN panel types.


The NEC PA24 and SpectraView 24 series cost significantly more than the U2410. And a minor detail but the Hanns.G everyone raves about is 28 inches ;).
You will certainly be restricted to TN panel types.


The NEC PA24 and SpectraView 24 series cost significantly more than the U2410. And a minor detail but the Hanns.G everyone raves about is 28 inches ;).

Ah, I was thinking of the more consumer-oriented IPS panels. The Dell seems to sit at a price point where it's just about feasible for someone looking to invest in a great monitor, but is probably quite a bargain for a professional display.
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