Which 2gb would best compliment my CPU?

6 Nov 2004
Right recently went A64, got a Venice 3200 - which overclocks to [email protected] which im very happy with.
Only problem is that Im using my ram on a divider of 2/3 so its running at 180FSB althought with decent timings of 2/3/3/6, it BSOD's after a while at 5/6 and well 1:1 is never possible :D.

So Basically which ram is best for me to either.

A. Run a 1;1 ratio with my ram, so it will be running at 270 - It would require tight timings also so i'm under no illusions this wont be expensive.


B. Run at a ratio of 5/6 so effectively 225 - I'm guessing I wont be able to afford the ram in scenario A but I could probably afford ram that could run at 225 with tight timings.

Recommendations fellas?
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