Which 90-100" projector screen?

18 Oct 2002
I'm looking for a reasonable projector screen, 16:9, 90-100", manual pull down, <£200. For use with a 1080p Optoma HD143X.

Currently thinking of the Sapphire SWS200WSF-ASR2. Any reason not to get this one? Anything better for similar price?

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I use a Duronic screen, MPS 100/43. Works very well in a darkened room ( projector is to dim to use in daytime )
As manual screens go, the Sapphires are better than average within their price bracket. You will get some edge curl. You'll have to spend a lot more (minimum 3x the price) to get a screen with a surface thick enough and made of glass fibre to reduce the problem. When you do, you'll find that roller mechs are no longer an option. It has to be electric to deal with the screen weight.

The other issue with screens is rippling. This is where the surface develops an unevenness. You'll notice this when your eye follows anything that moves across the screen. Part of the cause is insufficient sturdiness in the roller - it sags a little in the centre when the screen is unrolled. A bigger issue though is mounting the screen without being scrupulous about it being level. That sounds simple enough, but you'd be surprised at the number of DIY installations I've been to where the screen case wasn't levelled correctly.
Thanks Lucid, makes sense. What does the ASR2 suffix mean on the Sapphire screen, seems you can buy with or without that?
Thanks Lucid, makes sense. What does the ASR2 suffix mean on the Sapphire screen, seems you can buy with or without that?
It's the return mechanism. Instead of just unlatching the spring and having the screen shoot back into the case, the ASR mechanism does a controlled return. The screen rolls back in far slower, and you don't have to keep hold of it.
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