Which Asus Xonar Card Should I get?

9 Apr 2006
I've ordered some Logitech Z5500 speakers and want a good sound card to connect to them.
I'm looking at the Asus Xonar but don't know which one would be best for me. I don't understand a lot of the technical stuff about these cards so it's hard for me to compare them.
I will be mosty listening to music but also gaming too. Price is not imortant, I just need to know what the difference is between these cards.

Xonar DX
Asus Xonar D2
Asus Xonar D2X

Which is the latest model? Which sound best for music and games?
I'm runnig Vista Ultimate Edition 64bit.

Thanks in advance
Thanks, that helps a lot, might go for the DX over the DX2, mainly due to the price difference. The D2 sounds good but I don't really need/use the extra features.

One quick question. I have an Asus P5Q motherboard with a Radeon 4870 Will the Asus DX fit ok?
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