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Which? ATI 1900XT or 1800XT?

11 Mar 2004

Will be going to OCuK physically 2moro and buying one of these cards.
Problem is that i dont know if i can justify the £80 difference in price.

Im going to definatley be into games like Elder Scrolls Oblivion and I want to know which card is the best bang for buck to enable a good level of play for the game.

What would you choose? :confused:

I'd get the cheaper one... from reviews the £80 extra really isn't worth the small performance jump. But then again I'm not overly impressed with either of the cards :p I'd hang on for just a wee bit longer and see what GeForce 7900 will offer. You don't want your £400 card to get ousted in just one month :(

I see your point but truth be told I am a very big ATI fanboy at heart :S .

Have had a 6800 and thought it was awesome, but it just didnt impress me quite like when i first got my 9600 Pro :P. hehe

I think probably the X1800 will be chosen, will ask for opinions from OcUK when i get there. Any more here welcome though definately.

Btw, cheers for the reply :) :D
Solarius said:
I see your point but truth be told I am a very big ATI fanboy at heart :S .

Have had a 6800 and thought it was awesome, but it just didnt impress me quite like when i first got my 9600 Pro :P. hehe

LOL! I felt the same when i went from a 9700 to 6800... i sold the 6800 in a week and downgraded to a 9800 Pro. Dunno what it is, but ATi just feels more at home. Bring on the X800 XT! ;)
I have a similar dilemma. I own an X850XT and cant be sure on the X1800XT or pay the extra for a X1900XT (Hope they will fir which ever I choose as Im using a Zalman passive cooler) I will have to decide soon as I expect the X1800XT wont be around for much longer!
Im looking forward to playing with my x1800xt just need to know if it will fit the maze 4
Maze 4 will fit it nicely :) . Yeah, go for the x1800xt. I did, and I get over 9500 points in 3dmark 05. But I flashed it with the PE bios...
Hehe, cheers for the replies. Will be going in about 30mins ish and will report back with my decision, Might get persuaded but you never know.

You guys have definatey helped. Cheers :)
Either get the X1800 and save some money, or do the snesible thing and wait a month and get the 7900 which will be significantly faster than the X1800/X1900. But then you have the waiting game dillema with G80/R600 cards comming in the summer.
Im gonna go for something to please me for now. And worry about upgrading again at a much later date.

Can't be bothered anymore with the waiting game. Just managed to save it up enough and want to give my comp a nice boost. :) .

Cheers for reply though mate. :D
D.P. said:
Either get the X1800 and save some money, or do the snesible thing and wait a month and get the 7900 which will be significantly faster than the X1800/X1900. But then you have the waiting game dillema with G80/R600 cards comming in the summer.

Thing is tho D.P its not always about pure frame rates especially if your running a TFT .

I have absolutely no doubt that the 7900 will best the 1900XT's in that department however where the ATI scores highly is on Image Quality at smooth frame rates.

I think it worth remarking that a fair number of posters on this and other forums have commented on how they prefer the Image Quality of their current ATI over their previous Nvdia card.

You don't see many posts stating the reverse .
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FYI the PC system requirements for Oblivion have finally been released:

What are the PC system requirements?


3 Ghz Intel Pentium 4 or equivalent processor
1 GB System RAM
ATI X800 series, NVIDIA GeForce 6800 series, or higher video card
Minimum System Requirements:

Windows XP
512MB System RAM
2 Ghz Intel Pentium 4 or equivalent processor
128MB Direct3D compatible video card
and DirectX 9.0 compatible driver;
8x DVD-ROM drive
4.6 GB free hard disk space
DirectX 9.0c (included)
DirectX 8.1 compatible sound card
Keyboard, Mouse
Supported Video Card Chipsets:

ATI X1900 series
ATI X1800 series
ATI X1600 series
ATI X1300 series
ATI X850 series
ATI x800 series
ATI x700 series
ATI x600 series
ATI Radeon 9800 series
ATI Radeon 9700 series
ATI Radeon 9600 series
ATI Radeon 9500 series
NVIDIA GeForce 7800 series
NVIDIA GeForce 6800 series
NVIDIA GeForce 6600 series
NVIDIA GeForce 6200 series
NVIDIA GeForce FX series

Source : http://www.theelderscrolls.com/games/oblivion_faq.htm
All I would say is the X1900 will last you a bit longer if you plan on keeping it. I have had all the top cards and last week chopped my GTX 512 in for a X1900 and making some money in the process. ATI does have the advantage with IQ no doubt about it and with cards that can produce well over 100 FPS at silly resolutions eye caddy should feature heavy in your decision IMHO.
Well Guys, Ended up with an ASUS A8R-MVP and a Sapphire X1900XT.

I just couldnt resist. I have to say having everything on max setting without a stutter on e.g. BF2 is in my eyes incredible.

I decided on the 1900XT due to the fact it should last me a bit longer and run the game i most want to play well ,oblivion and the x1900 is better at shader intensive games ,found that out earlier.

(Also wanted to be a willy waver ;) )

Just a note to the shop:

I have to say service at OcUK was ok, Speedy but the guy who served me seemed to have no opinion on anything which didnt help, Didnt seem to grasp the sentence, 'What is the best bang for your buck graphics card'. But hay, still got me what i wanted. Thanks

I did take into account all you guy's opinions but i was definately pushed by evil willy waving side to buy the faster.

Cheers everyone for the replies , Much appreciated!!!

P.S , If anyone knows how i can get some more volts through my Opty instead of the board bios's max 1.45v I would be interested to know. Bye and Thanks !!!!!!!!! :D
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Oh no, bad choice on the mobo, its got horrendous probs. :(

I knew they would talk you into getting an x1900, as they wanted more money, still cracking card, but bad choice on the mobo as said, i was gona get rid of this DFi for the Asus, but after reading about all the problems, im waiting for RD580, you should have got the MSI one really.
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