Which audiobook are you listening to?

19 Oct 2020
I’ve recently got into audiobooks, I really enjoy listening to them when I’m driving along.

I’m currently listening to one about ‘Why the word has gone mad’. Pretty relevant I’d say and it’s a great listen.

I’ve put the link to it below if anyone wants to have a look, I took advantage of their free sign up at the moment too. Which audiobook are you listening to?

Man of Honour
18 Oct 2002
Currently going through the Discworld collection again. Up to Going Postal now.

Recently listened to:
The Unbelievable Truth (Series 1-22)
1000 years of annoying the French
Rich Hall's (US) Breakdown
The Martian
The Tent, The Bucket and Me
Around the World in 80 days (Michael Palin version)
Slaving Away (series 1 and 2)
Hidden Figures
Hey! Listen!
Hell Divers VI
Humble Pi
The Audiobook of the Year (2017, 2018 and 2019 versions)
Winter Dark and Winter Rising

Got the 4th Bobiverse book to go to next. :D

I listen to a lot of audiobooks...

This was my audible collection a month ago... https://i.redd.it/nm9zgthkbmj51.jpg
You can add another 40 to that since then... :eek:
18 Oct 2002
I listen to a lot of audio books, highlights from the last month:

Sandworm: A New Era of Cyberwar and the Hunt for the Kremlin's Most Dangerous Hackers, Greenberg (Super interesting if you're into information security and geopolitics)
American Gods: The Tenth Anniversary Edition, Gaiman (A proper good story)
The Alignment Problem: Machine Learning and Human Values (Just out last week - one of the best AI books and I've read a dozen or so over the last 10 years)
County Lines, Farrell (Read this if you want to know whats going on with drugs these days)
Going Dark: The Secret Social Lives of Extremists, Ebner (Brilliant! This really gets to the heart of a lot of the mess the world's in at the moment)

Not technically books, but also recently listened to these on Audible

Putin: Prisoner of Power, Glenny
The Rise of the Iron Men, Glenny
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