Which blu-ray player?

10 Aug 2006
I'm looking to upgrade from my Sony blu-ray player which I've had for 3-4years which can no longer play dvds or blu-rays properly.

My budget is £100

I'm not fussed about all the smart features because my TV has them, but it needs to be able to play 3D blu-rays and upscale dvds well - this is important because I have fair number of 3D blu-rays and special edition/rare dvd releases which I like to watch, and wondered if there are any particular models which upscale better than others

My tv is a Panasonic TX-47AS802B.

The reason why I asked about upscaling is because some of the more expensive players sometimes have better chips in them for upscaling. I know that the denon players used to be very good, but have things moved on now in that tvs and lower end blu-ray players are more than capable than they used to be? I haven't kept myself in the loop regarding this.

I had my eye on the Sony bdp-S5500 for about £100, but didn't know whether to get a Panasonic to match the TV or spend more and get the higher end Sony bdp-S7200.
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