which burning software...

23 Oct 2005
Similar to the which dvd thread....but this time...need to find the optimum burning software.

Got a Nero 6 oem version with my dvd burners...but not sure if this is upto standard, what do you guys recommend/are using?

Again sure this has been asked before, but tis nice to keep things fresh...
I use Nero, it does everthing I need it to do, and more. Easy to ignore the extras that I dont use.
Never had a problem with it.

You do get free ones though, depends how much you want to pay and what you want to burn :)
I use Nero 6, with no problems at all.

I tried Nero 7, but I had far too many issues and problems with it.

I now recommend to others that they avoid Nero 7 like the plague.
basmic said:
I use Nero 6, with no problems at all.

I tried Nero 7, but I had far too many issues and problems with it.

I now recommend to others that they avoid Nero 7 like the plague.

I concur with that.
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