Which case best for fitting Apex Ultra watecooling kit???

30 Oct 2005
Hey guys, as title mentions, i need a new case that will easily take a wc kit with the rad on the exterior, so, ive narrowed my choice down to either the;

Thermaltake VD1000SWA Aguila SuperMidi Tower - Silver (CA-035-TT)


Thermaltake VA9000SWA Kandalf Aluminium Full Tower - Silver (CA-004-TT)


Thermaltake VA7000SWA Shark Aluminium Full Tower - Silver (CA-009-TT)

Thanks a lot guys!

MightyMatt said:
Hey guys, as title mentions, i need a new case that will easily take a wc kit with the rad on the exterior, so, ive narrowed my choice down to either the;

Thermaltake VD1000SWA Aguila SuperMidi Tower - Silver (CA-035-TT)


Thermaltake VA9000SWA Kandalf Aluminium Full Tower - Silver (CA-004-TT)


Thermaltake VA7000SWA Shark Aluminium Full Tower - Silver (CA-009-TT)

Thanks a lot guys!

If you are planning on fitting the rad externally using the radbox mounting adaptor, it will fit on nearly any case at the exhaust fan location.

AmaTeX said:
One thing about the swiftech kits is that you might need to re-drill the holes on the cpu block as they are a bit tight.

Haven't heard of this before, any more info?
I was speaking to someone else about this and they had the same problem as me. The supplied screws did not move freely enough in the cpu block for it do be fitted. It also kept jamming so the springs had no effect.

I don’t know if they drilled the holes and did not take account for the silver coating to reduce the hole size or simply had a batch of bigger screws but its all up and working now. :)
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