Which comes first?! (upgrade confusion)

28 Apr 2006

I have a dfi lanparty 754 motherboard, 3200+ processor, 6600gt agp graphics and 1 gb ram.

I'm thinking of upgrading to a sapphire X1950 pro 512mb. Is there any point? will my processor hold back the card too much?

Also will i need a new power supply? I currently have a 400w paxpower (i think that's what it's called).

I was hoping to get away with not buying a new psu as i wanted to get an x-fi as my current soundcard is an ancient soundblaster live. Will i notice a huge difference with an x-fi?

All and any help much appreciated!
I was hoping to keep the processor and motherboard and just add a new graphics and sound card and a new psu if i really had to. Could i get away with this or would my aging processor bottleneck the sapphire x1950 512mb agp?
A 17" crt. I don't go over 1280 x 800 (i think that's right). Is getting the sapphire x1950 512mb overkill? Should i look at something a little less powerful?
I'll be running, Oblivion, Neverwinter Nights 2 and medieval total war 2.

I bought Oblivion the first it came out and it ran like a turd on my old system! I promised myself i wouldn't play it with a crappy framerate and with all the fancy visuals turned down so not to ruin the 'experience' :D .

I just bought NWN 2 and MTW2 and they run horribly too. I have to turn all everything to it's lowest to make it playable. So i've finally cracked and have dusted the cobwebs off my bankcard. What card would play these games well without having to turn off the fancy effects?
I haven't overclocked the cpu, that kind of talk starts my knees-a-knockin! I just about managed to put my last computer together but the stress was almost too much.

How much is the 7900gs and can i run it off a 400w paxpower?

I don't know what a c2d is! :confused: I'd just be happy with being able to play the above games maxed (or fairly close to)
I don't mean i play those games at 1280 x 800, i mean that's the highest resolution my aging eyes can read text on my monitor. I play those games at 1024 x 768 with all the settings on minimum. I'd be happy with a card that can play at 1280 x 800 and be near maxed
Oh boy, my brain is hurting! :D It's all getting a bit more complicated than i wanted. Not that i don't appreciate the help i really do! All i want is to be able to play these three games at good settings without having to upgrade everything or change motherboards.

I know it's not very forward thinking but nor am i! Is there a card between my current 6600gt 128 and the x1950 512 that anyone can recommend that would run off a paxpower 400w?

Also should i forget about the soundcard update for now? Would geting an x-fi make a big difference to gaming compared to my old soundblaster live.
OK! After careful deliberation i think i might go for a 1gb stick of ram (bringing me to 2gb), an x-fi (not the crappy one or the one with the silly memory) and a 7600gt. Question is do i get the 'golden sample' 7600gt? is it worth the extra bucks?
I ordered the 7600gt, and extra gig of ram and the x-fi. I was in a rush as i was on my dinner break and didn't take the time to check i wasn't ordering either the crappy cut down x-fi or the one with the silly extra ram. I'm now panicking a little! Can someone confirm i got the 'right one' please? The link should be below. Cheers :)

Medieval TW2, NWN2 & Oblivion overload here i come!


P.S. Has anyone tried Lord of the rings online yet? (can't remember it's proper name) If that's any good i'm willing to give up a social life completely.
:eek: Thank (insert preferred deity here) for that! I paid for next day delivery so i wouldn't of been able to change the order before dispatch. I was preparing myself to feel like a proper plum. Cheers for the good news!
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