Which CPL Filter to get?

22 Sep 2010
I understand that the Hoya Pro CPL filters are recommended as one of the best filters to get.

However, I won't be using it a massive amount and can get a 2nd hand Jessops CPL for around a tenner.

Has anyone used the Jessops filters or know how good they are,

I went for Marumi DHG there is a big roundup review out there and basically these came out second only to the B&W ones are were a lot cheaper, if memory serves the Hoya options didn't do too well.

It's always best to spend a decent amount on filters even if you won't be using them much as they will directly effect your results and a cheap one won't do it in a good way!
The Hoya pro HD are pretty good and provide a stop more light pass through than the others. The other Hoya filters are to be missed IMO. The Marumi are pretty good too (according to the reviews) however I went for an extra stop of light.
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