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27 Jan 2018
Hi, I built my PC around a year ago and am looking to upgrade my CPU, i currently run a ryzen 5 1600, GTX 1070 and have 16gb ram. I mainly play siege and used to get around 180 FPS which is important to me as i use a 165 HZ monitor. But an update released about a month ago suddenly dropped my frames to 120 at max on 1080p ALL LOW settings with a 1070! which lead me to believe that my CPU is bottlenecking my 1070 so decided it was time for an upgrade. I've been reading around and have come across 3 CPU's that seem good for me, I7 8700k, ryzen 7 1700x and ryzen 7 2700x. But i'm not sure which is the best for me, im looking to possibly get into streaming soon and people have said that the I7 would be better for that but that would require me to get a new MOBO and everything. Please let me know what you would recommend.


27 Jan 2018
Install NZXT Cam. run the overlay in games.
it will gave you info on FPS, CPU/GPU load and ram usage in real time.

What was in the update, have you looked at the patch info, developers have been known the FPS lock games if High rate are causing problems.

are you overclocking the CPU or GPU? if not this is a good time to, overclock one at a time and see if it helps.
Ok, i tried this. My cpu seems to be almost always hovering around 90 - 100% in game and my gpu around 70%, there are times when the gpu rises to around 90% as well but usually its around 95 for cpu and 70 for GPU. My CPU temp seems to stay around 50 degrees so i could overclock it a little without it getting ridiculously hot but am not really sure how to. Would you recommend this and then when i get the money together i can just buy a new CPU? Which out of the 3 i listed would you go for?
27 Jan 2018
1700x or 2700x would be my choice of upgrade. Get the x and the cpu will overclock is self, also its just a drop in upgrade, there about 125 used.
How much of a performance difference is there between the 2? Is the 2700x worth the 100 £ more? I would have to wait longer before i would be able to buy it but if it is a significant upgrade in performance then im sure i can wait with the overclocking and if the max settings help then i could wait to get more money to get the 2700x, or would they perform almost the same?
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