Which do you guys think is a better game? Destiny 2 or Warframe?

29 Jul 2013
Destiny 2 or Warframe?

I like them both as much as each other but can't decide which to pummel time into as I don't have the time to grind both :(

I know they are different in many ways and i know one is free to play but the other isn't... this shouldn't change your opinion on this thread thank you.
Personally I prefer Warframe as I feel like it has a bit more variance in the action.
Destiny to me is a smoother gaming experience but it feels more repetitive and becomes a bit of a blur after a couple of hours.

I prefer the level design on Warframe as well.
If you want something to commit to and grind, then I would say Warframe.

It's been out for a lot longer and has an overwhelming amount of content and depth. I'm a die hard Destiny fan and while the skyboxes, gunplay and raids are still fantastic (I will admit that the "parkour" movement in Warframe is a lot of fun) Destiny 2 is in a poor place at the moment. Pretty much summed up by "a mile wide, but an inch deep". There's about ~100 hours tops before you're at the non-existent end game. They have committed to a lot of updates and changes, but this a check back in 6 months scenario.
I’m 3 months into Warframe and barely scratched it. It is Grindy but not hurtful and lots of fun. I happily dropped some monies for the experience as the game Developers deserve it.

I think the lore in Warframe needs work as it doesn’t really make a good use of it. It generally feels very throwaway.
I tested this by commenting on the destroyed moon on the plains of eidolon in every squad for a few days. Anecdotally, most replies were ‘Whut!’ Why does that matter’.

Also the whole Destiny v ‘x’ game does distill down to big dog versus underdog.

It’s been a blast so much so that I haven’t lasted Path if Exile!
Warframe, I had more hours out of that granted I haven't played in 3 years (started in beta) and it felt more challenging at times but I stopped playing when I started to join groups and end up boosting them through, only so much I could take of that.

I enjoyed playing D2 at launch but that was more down to playing with a group of friends, all the shady stuff they've done since and putting content behind paywalls meant I uninstalled it when the first DLC dropped and I don't miss playing it now.
Warframe. It was better than D1 imo and way better than D2. Destiny will get reset every few years where as warframe builds. It's basically the WOW of looter shooters now. Been going so long and has so much content added and planned that you basically need to play it as a career to complete everything it has.
The grind in warframe is awesome and it's extremely satisfying killing massive hordes in an endless mission.
Also the massive number of frames, abilities and level of customisation available is just so much fun to play around with.

Destiny 2 is a beautiful game but very shallow - having come from warframe I always feel restricted and it doesnt feel as if theres much difference between the classes (which makes sense for PvP which is essentially non-existent in warframe).
One note - I'm amazed at the optimisation in D2 as it happily runs 4k high settings st a pretty content 60fps.

The good thing is I've now found a happy medium and balance my time across both games.
Warframe because it isn't trying to rip you off at every single stage, and is actually active. Destiny 2 is pretty much dead because the story is non existent and the content is so shallow and lacking its quite unbelievable in a full price game, even at half the price the same would still be true. Oh and the micro transactions are randomized loot crates in a full price game.

This time next year there won't be a player base other than the most die hard of fanboys and Bungie deserve nothing less for being totally clueless morons who brought out a sequel when it was actually just an expansion.
Hmm big Destiny 1 fan and 2 just isn't doing it for me. This thread makes me wanna check out Warframe.
Well F2P so go ahead. Couple tips, the Wiki is the answer to everything. Save the platinum(paid for currency) you get at the start for buying more slots(storage) for your weapons and warframes.

You can get more buy trading or throwing money at the game but early on you won't have much to trade. Sometimes random log in rewards contain up to 75% discount and there's a new players bundle that's pretty good value 2.
I've done both. Destiny 2 was fun until it had very little to offer, which was quite quickly.

I had been playing warframe just before Destiny and was burned out at mr23. I've recently gone back, got to 24, and loving the end game content - collecting all the weapons to get to 25, leveling focus, killing eidolons, running sorties, there's a lot to do.

Funnily all the things you do are done across reasonably similar maps, but the process never feels tiring. I'd say that's down to a mix of the randomly generated tilesets, and the fact that the combat and movement is just so fun. Getting better weapons / mods in this game means something unlike in Destiny 2, and the difference in taking down enemies can be immense based on your build. The sheer variety of warframe mixes in your team further adds to the uniqueness of any given round.

Yes the story is lacking to a degree. It's very much an afterthought but has been worked on a lot and it's getting there. There's the new game intro setting you up vaguely, after which you just gotta keep banging out the mission nodes to get to the next planet. Sounds dull on paper but it really isn't. Then at some point later in the game, a couple of story arcs will kick in and blow your mind. Save yourself spoilers and enjoy the ride.
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