Looking at finally replacing my monitor and want to look at getting two 27/28" inch 4k monitors and running one in portrait and one in landscape (so hopefully thin bezels) and VESA mount. The majority for the usage will be for when I'm doing development work and working with peoples design files but also the occasional gaming session. I also will have both my MacBook via a Thunderbolt 4 dock and my PC that needs to connect to them both so I was thinking of a monitor that has KVM ability built in.
I was originally going to look at the LG 27GP850-B but that no longer seems to be available and I think the replacement (27GP95RP-B) seems a lot more expensive and just in pre-order stage.
My other two options were the Gigabyte M28U or the HP Omen 27K. Any other recommendations I could look at that would fit my use case or of the two I've listed which is better and why?
Many thanks
Looking at finally replacing my monitor and want to look at getting two 27/28" inch 4k monitors and running one in portrait and one in landscape (so hopefully thin bezels) and VESA mount. The majority for the usage will be for when I'm doing development work and working with peoples design files but also the occasional gaming session. I also will have both my MacBook via a Thunderbolt 4 dock and my PC that needs to connect to them both so I was thinking of a monitor that has KVM ability built in.
I was originally going to look at the LG 27GP850-B but that no longer seems to be available and I think the replacement (27GP95RP-B) seems a lot more expensive and just in pre-order stage.
My other two options were the Gigabyte M28U or the HP Omen 27K. Any other recommendations I could look at that would fit my use case or of the two I've listed which is better and why?
Many thanks