Which Ebook Reader?

30 Jul 2003
Hi all,

For xmas im thinking of treating myself to an ebook reader. But the question is ... which one?

Im open to suggestions, ive been looking at:

Sony E-reader
Kindle 2

I'm going to be reading some microsoft rubbish on it which have some diagrams and tables so it would be cool if it could display them really well.

Any suggestions?

Nook does look quite nice.

I cant find anywhere that has the psr-700 at all :S and hte nook is only in the US at the moemnt, so i can get it from a certain auction site.

I'm just after reading my cisco and microsoft books which i have in pdf format :P and the higher grayscale would be cool. The irex looks arelally nice but with a £700 price tag, it makes me sad :(
but nice as in "worth £700 nice?" or as in "now i have it i think its nice but on 2nd though i probably should have saved my pennys and got a differnt one" nice?
Personally I'm waiting until there's a decent, fast one for less than £100 smackers. It'd have to be as big as the kindle too. I don't know much about them, but I know it'd make reading books and journals that I have on PDF a lot easier when I'm out and about. Ink cartridges cost almost £20 a pop.
If you can it might be worth waiting for the Plastic Logic e-reader. It will be revealed at CES on January 7th but it could be a real game changer.


I'm not in a huge hurry and as jan is only round the corner i could wait. I have the "fancies" for one after a friend came round with his, and i thought hmm that would be really handy to have :D

But will it be as nice as the sony / kindle / irec as its plastic?
If I was looking at one now it'd probably be a nook or i'd wait until after the CES.

However i do currently have a 505 which i'm extremely happy with :)
If I was looking at one now it'd probably be a nook or i'd wait until after the CES.

I'm going to be reading some microsoft rubbish on it which have some diagrams and tables so it would be cool if it could display them really well.

Any suggestions?


If I was looking at one now it'd probably be a nook or i'd wait until after the CES.

As the Hairy Don suggests, wait until after the CES show next year.
The current generation of (affordable) ereaders don't display anything other than text well.
I have been thinking about getting an e-reader. Mainly I am a bit fed up having a load of books I dont want and hoping that it might be a bit cheaper. Thats the problem. You are looking at double the price of a paper version with limited books out there. It is a shame because I think right now interest is there but the function isnt. Lack of flexibilty is an issue which kind of defeats the object when it become less flexible than a paper version.

I'll wait a few years until it becomes viable and matures.
Kindle 2 is currently the best of the bunch.

Avoid any with a touch screen.

Nook is US only so even if you get one off Ebay you will lose a lot of functionality plus the software is currently sluggish.
Recently bought a Kindle 2, works a treat, except for some pdf's I bought from "other" techie sites which need pw-protection. They still don't work, despite kindle's new pdf support

Everything else works a treat - I'd recommend it.
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