Which email provider do you use?

1 Nov 2007
Way back in the day (I'm talking 1990s) I used the email address from my ISP which was Demon Internet. After that I ended up on BT ADSL and used that email address but I was fed up with changing email addresses every time I changed ISPs so I opened a Gmail account which worked fine. After sometime I decided I cared more about privacy so I switched to Proton Mail but stupidly used a .protonmail.com email address.

Which brings us up to today. I'm now changing my email address for the last time to use a custom domain I own. Then if I need to change email provider in the future I just change the DNS and everything will work. At the moment I'm still using Proton Mail as the email service as it gives you the ability to use a custom domain included in my package but I'm considering moving to Google Workspace when my Proton Main plan expires in June.

So what about you?
Other than being a little long, what’s wrong with protonmail.com? I was thinking of leaving gmail for proton mail as I trust proton more than google. Not sure if that’s really just wishful thinking.
Nothing wrong with Protonmail (although they are a bit costly). The thing is if I ever want to change email provider in the future I have to change my email address as well. By switching to a custom domain I just have to update DNS to the new provider and the job is done.
I use Google for storage/calendar/docs etc but wouldn’t recommend Workspace, it’s inferior to Microsoft.
I've actually cancelled 365 and moved to Google Workspace for my business stuff. 365 can do everything you might want but is ridiculously complex. I just ditched Microsoft Office and switched over and its been much easier getting everything up and running.
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