Which F2P card game is best (Hearthstone, Elder Scrolls Legends etc)?

1 Nov 2007
I'm just looking for a simple F2P game on the PC that I can play a few rounds of online without much hassle every now and again but I'm wondering which is the best card game I should start out with?

Ranked play appeals to me if I get into the game. Starting from the bottom doesn't really bother me either.

Edit: Just found the Gwent open beta card game. Played it a bit and it is pretty fun. Think I'll stick with that since I already have a GOG account.
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All I hear from people playing Hearthstone these days are if you didn't start in the beta it's really expensive to get a deck that will be competitive.

Then again that's the same as real life card games.

I'd stick with Gwent as it's the newest one.
Hearthstone is a grind, and as above its really hard to get an established collection even if you have played it for years. The frequency of the packs, dust costs basically all designed to drive you to pay. The game itself is average at best, the recent expansions have done more harm then good and the game is having a bit of an identity crisis at present.

Gwent is new, fun for the most part. You get packs really easily and there are nice rewards as you rank up. Because it is new there have been some massive changes to how it plays especially from alpha ,this can be pretty jarring for each patch as cards take on new roles, and the meta shifts dramatically. The 3 round system is something I would expect to be altered dramatically by its final release as at present rounds 1 and 2 are just becoming pass rounds anyway.
I've played HS the last year or two, but I have to go with Gwent, I've dumped money into HS, and I'm still missing a lot of cards. Gwent is far easier to get into, as there's a lot more free card packs given out. Plus the way the cards are distributed (you get to chose your final card from a pack from a choice of 3 of the same tier etc) makes it far less of a headache to build a deck and start completing dailys. It's also a great game! It's in beta so things are changing a lot every patch, but the card art (especially premium) is extremely well done. It's less RNG heavy compared to HS, I enjoy them both but having more fun with Gwent since I started in closed beta.
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