which football magaement sim

22 Dec 2002
which football management sim

right do I get championship manager 2006 or football manager 2006
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Depends on a few things.

Championship Manager 2006's interface is very tacky and uneasy to work with - in my opinion. Although it offers more realistic game play (not quite as many LAST MINUTE WINNERS!!) and prices (few £100m offers) as well.

Football Manager 2006 has more skins and graphical options on that side of things and is laid out in a far superior manner - although as touched on, it perhaps isn't as realistic.

I would actually suggest going with FM 2005 - as I find it a much more enjoyable game - or if you can wait another while, it won't be long until FM 2007 is released.

Hope that helped somewhat.
Football Manager everytime.

Unless you don't mind playing an old seson, then Championship Manager 2003/2004 is the best football management sim out there.
Yewen said:
Unless you don't mind playing an old seson, then Championship Manager 2003/2004 is the best football management sim out there.

I disagree. Championship Manager 01/02 is where it's at. ;)

Less of all the stupid little fixtures and fittings of the modern game - brilliantly quick on most computers and more addictive than any management game since - in my opinion.
Yewen said:
Football Manager everytime.

Unless you don't mind playing an old seson, then Championship Manager 2003/2004 is the best football management sim out there.
100% pure unadulterated truth there. Suppose you could extend it to FM05, FM06, FM07 (when released later this year) OR any CM game that SI made.

SI and Eidos split up. Eidos kept the 'Championship Manager' brand whilst SI got to keep the database and behind the scenes gubbins. All this meant for SI was coming up with a new name and hey presto FM05 is born.

I've tried demos of the last two Championship Managers and they were both absolutely dire. FM05 on the other hand, I was introduced to by a friend. I was hooked instantly. I got FM06 and will get FM07.

Get the FM series every time for new releases but if you can get some of the older SI/Eidos CM offerings then enjoy them too. I might have to search around and see if I can find the CM03/04 Yewen mentioned and maybe some other versions.
You can pick up 03/04 for £1.99 in original packaging.

I bought 8 copies, and am playing it with mates, absoultely ace lan game although since its release in 2003 we have put in around 2000 hours playing, best game ever in my opinion and I own 16 copies of it.

(8 are really bad condition, why I got the new ones! You can run it of one disk, but takes ages to get everyone loaded up.)

When I find my camera cable I will take a picture!
Championship Managed 03/04.

Currently got Farnborough and Aldershot in the Champions League final, 2010 and me and my mate didnt lose a game all season. :p

FM2006, Worcester in Championship. :)
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