Which games do your kids play?

I asked a colleague at work today what her kids play, who are 11 & 9...she says

Command and Conquer
Diablo 3 (not 4 because it's too graphic!)
Harry Potter Hogwart's Legacy
The Sims (only to build the house, not the relationship part)

She did mention some more children friendly games but I just could not believe the first 3 she mentioned.
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I asked a colleague at work today what her kids play, who are 11 & 9...she says

Command and Conquer
Diablo 3 (not 4 because it's too graphic!)
Harry Potter Hogwart's Legacy
The Sims (only to build the house, not the relationship part)

She did mention some more children friendly games but I just could not believe the first 3 she mentioned.

Not diablo, but the others are probably alright, wouldn't mind my boy playing command and conquer
6yr old and plays Goat Simulator, skate, Minecraft and Flock at the minute.

I keep her well away from roblox etc
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Son (13): Fortnite & Rocket League (competitively), Forza Horizon 5, Trailmakers (Lego-esque, on Steam) on his PC. Marokart, Mario Odyssey & Fall Guys on Switch.

Daughter (11): Fortnite, Roblox, GIMP/Krita on PC (with graphics tablet) 1-2 Switch, Mariokart on the Nintendo. Hogwarts Legacy on PS5...

Daughter (7f ), getting a rig built for her 8th birthday. Currently plays Roblox on her tablet, Mariokart on Nintendo and Sackboy on PS5...

All three played Minecraft but complained it was overpopulated with "hackers", cheats & general toxicity. My son even used it to complete his Year 7 science project: to create his own periodic table. He built a massive, underground version, with levers to light up different groups (Noble gasses, precious metals and "everything used to build a Tesla"), then recorded a walkthrough for his teacher. He got a grade 9 (what used to be an A*) for his effort.

I've also locked the girl's Roblox accounts so they can't receive messages from strangers, after a nasty incident with our 9 year old niece (which got the police and a certain Facebook "Hunting" group involved).

We talk regularly with the kids about online safety, making sure they know if anything seems weird or uncomfortable, they need to tell us.
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Top Tip: check which games the kid's grandparents have bought *before* they're installed and giggling like lunatics.

"What's so funny, not-quite-8-year-old?"

"The noise the humans make when you anal-probe them..."

Anything other than Roblox and Fortnite?
lol I have bought my lad so many games and sometimes they get played for a bit (super mario wonder the biggest hit) but by an absolute country mile Fortnite gets the most play then Roblox.
I refuse to buy him robux after he got scammed but v bucks are not so bad. Fortnite has given more value for money than anything else.
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We've had a real uptick in "But my friends play this 18 rated game why can’t i" from my 11 year old recently.
I really feel for both parents and kids later in the year when GTA6 is released. Parents getting pestered to buy a wholly unsuitable game, kids getting bullied because they aren't allowed to play :(
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