Which games you looking forward to that will need a beefy PC?

17 May 2006
Hi, Just wondering if there's any decent games due out soon that will need a top of the line PC to be playable as its intended. Was going to get a Conroe on launch but havn't heard much hype about new games that will need something like Conroe to play at a decent FPS. My Athlon XP mobile 2400+ with 1 gig DDR RAM with a 6800LE seems fast enough ATM, so am starting to think I should hold of on upgrading till there's a good reason to.
Thing is if I upgrade my CPU, Mobo and ram I'll need a new gpu too because its AGP, so when DX10 comes I'll need a new graphics card again then. Also I reckon the Conroe mobos will probably be much better by then like with most new technologies. That and the prices will probably have come down. BUT if there isn't going to be much change in technology then the standard setup might still be a conroe e6600 by early next year so I might as well get it now. I'll wait 'till a few weeks after conroe's release and think about it again.

There don't seem to be many must have games either till christmas/early next year. Stalker's looking good I suppose and Crysis
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