Which graphic card for imac

20 Oct 2002
Wish i was in a Ramen Shop Counter
Going to get one soon, may be this month, or in 2 months most likely. I have already decided to get the 24" one, but not set on which one. The price difference is £300 for the 2 models.

So i have a few question for those that have the imac 24" or anyone in the know. The machine will be used for Surfing, watching Videos, Music, Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom. No games.

1 - Is the 0.33 Ghz worth it? How much is that faster in real world?
2 - Is the better gfx worth it if i dont play games? and does it help in video decoding or photoshop?
3 - is the Image Quality between the NVIDIA GeForce 9400M and the NVIDIA GeForce GT 120 much different?

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I like to add, i have 1.5TB of external storage already which i will also use on the mac. HD space is not a problem or a factor in this purchase. :)
Get the 4850 simply because snow leopard will have a significant speed boost and more power with a better GPU as it uses open CL, which needs a good GPU. Also as you will keep it a while no doubt, get it, the speed jump from the 120/130 --> 4850 is worth the cash.

That's £500 I didn't budget for ! :(
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