Which Headphone Amp

5 Apr 2014
Evening all after little help looking for Headphone Amp not really happy with the Sound with my Amiron's not that there bad headphones there brilliant and just ordered the DT 1990 PRO's the amp will be mainly for home use not needing a DAC I have a MF v90 dac and be PC use was looking at the Beyerdynamic IMPACTO. but not sure if that will drive the DT1990 PROS it says it will drive the Amirons
The Amiron's are excellent Cans. But there not the best for EDM. There's not enough bottom end for my liking they have greats vocals brilliant for anything but EDM there not bad. But want that bit more humph
Magni 3 out of stock in the Schiit EU. Oh well ordered the R Head, Schiit need to sort it out with there products i do believe there brilliant and very popular but there stock is awful. You would think they would sort it out in someway to get more stock
Right chaps i can get the Magni 3 from the USA and get it shipped do you think its worth getting shipped or waiting to see if it comes back in stock in the EU site?
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