which headphones?

28 Aug 2003
N Ireland
I have a pair of sennheiser 555s that are falling apart

what similar headphones are good for ~£100 with a big jack that plugs directly into my marantz amplifier?
If you want to keep with a similar sound, then either HD558 or 598 would be a good choice.

HD598 are currently around £130, which is not too bad a price; certainly better than the £160 they have been in the past. HD558 are cheaper at around £115.

558's are perhaps more bassy, but the 598's are more refined.
Is second hand an option? Have a look at the Beyerdynamic DT 100. They are well regarded studio headphones. The DT 770 and DT 990 are also worth a look.

If sound leakage isn't an issue and you want to consider an open back set of headphones, then think about stepping up to the HD 600.

Either way. I recommend getting a dedicated headphone amplifier. It might be interesting for you to compare the sound quality of a dedicated headphone amplifier to that of your Marantz. A headphone amplifier doesn't have to be expensive (~£50 second hand). Don't buy a "portable" headphone amp.
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