Which Healthy Butter Substitute?

9 Sep 2008
Which low-fat butter substitute tastes the most like butter? Typically when I try a healthier alternative to butter I find it to be waxy and bland and switch back to Lurpak slightly salted. :confused:
Just eat real butter, and keep away from refined/processed foods, eat lots of fruit and veg and do some exercise. I eat lots of butter, my cholesterol is below 4.5 (4.37) and blood pressure is fine.
Eat real butter. Get a good quality organic brand from free range grass fed cows. I eat loads of it, and use it to fry food. If you keep it in the fridge it will be really hard, but keep it out of the fridge in a butter dish and it will be soft enough to spread on bread.

Saturated fat is ESSENTIAL and butter is an excellent source. Eat it everyday with a good diet and exercise and you will be fine.
As the guys have already said stick to the good natural stuff, if its the kcals that are an issue just use less rather than turning to processed muck
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