Which Helmet would you buy?

18 Jan 2003
Expat in the USA
OK, I'm bad. For the last few yrs, I've got into the habit of not wearing a helmet. In live in hot and sunny Florida USA, (expat) where the law says no helmet req'd.

One of my favorite pastimes, is to get up early on a weekend morning, chuck on a pair of shorts and a t-shirt, crocs and do like a 70 mile round trip up all the beach roads or outback roads, taking it relatively easy. More like a relaxing cruise than a hoon around the place. Stop off for some coffee, before casually making my way back home.

Now before you start lecturing me on the dangers of motorcyle riding.. I KNOW !!!!!! I've been riding on the roads since I was 16. I'm now 40. A lot of those yrs has been racing around on a screamer head down, ass up, in all the gear, one piece leathers, carbon gloves, race boots, & doing my best to scrub up the knee pads.

Outside of my weekend screaming sessions, I use to ride into London, zipping in and out of all the traffic, on a daily commute scooter, which I rode like I stole it.. But even then, I wore all the necessary gear to save myself in the event of a spill... So i'm fully aware of what can happen to you on a bike..

But things are different now.. I don't need a race rep for my thrills. Actually all i have is a small little dusty single cylinder thumper. KLX250sf. Which is a super moto. That can barely go over 90 (with the wind helping you) HOWEVER, when I ride it, I never go 5 mile hr above the speed limit.. I get my thrills or chills as I like to call it, of just being on the bike with all the heat and wind running through me and taking in the scenary with a big smile on my face..... I ride with the assumption that every car will pull out on me and to treat every incident as your own fault. Regardless.


The roads are big and wide and generally empty at the times I ride, (especially if I'm out in the Everglades) i doubt I'll ever make a mistake that'll endanger me.. But there's always the being the the wrong place at the wrong time scenario that one day may (hopefully never) come. Like a car losing control, or someone jumping a red... The skin rash I can live with. The head injury i cannot.

I've tried putting on my Arai, and took the thing straight off. It was making my head itch like nobody's business, and i felt it was restricting my riding pleasure. Perhaps the humidity had something to do with it... Leathers? Forget it.. Maybe in winter, i'll put a pair of jeans and timberland boots on, and a set of summer gloves.. But in Summer, when i most enjoy my riding the most in the balmy mornings, its a t-shirt and shorts. Like everyone else here !

Anyway, i'm trying to figure out if there's a helmet out there, that'll fit my needs. It would have to be open face. & not look too noddy. If you know what i mean? Part of the pleasure for me, really is the wind through my hair. If you've been abroad on holiday to a sun drenched hot climate and ridden around without a helmet on, you'll know exactly what I mean.

I have a whole wardrobe of protective motorcyle gear, that'll never see the light of day.. Unfortunately an open face helmet isn't part of it.
what about something like this:


or this: http://www.sportsbikeshop.co.uk/motorcycle_parts/content_prod/86536

basically id go with a vintage look helmet, with shades of course.

Oh and your kwak looks lush!!!!

Thanks on the pointing towards the Diesel bash hats. Quite like the look of them, and they sell them in the US too.

Any other recommendations send them my way ! It would be nice if they made some kind of hybrid Motocross helmet that could open up. But then again, i'd only ever have it open anyways. :confused: No maybe not. :D
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