Which host for multiple sites/packages

8 Nov 2003
I know it's been done to death a bit and there is a sticky but I wouldn't mind having a bit more feedback due to what I'm planning on using it for.

I'm currently doing a lot of development for Magento based stores so I was looking at a host that would allow multiple live stores (3-4 for testing, 2 of them "live" with customers currently) alongside a couple of Wordpress sites, image storage and backups. I've looked at vidahost and tsohost and both look very similar with what they offer but I'm a bit worried with the bandwidth limitation what happens if I go over this as I was planning on backing up all my photos (RAW files) online too.

I did sign up to UK2 originally as they offered pretty much the same but "unlimited", when tested with a 12gb file the transfer speeds were great and I had no issues at all, however they no longer support Magento which I thought was a bit odd. I don't have anything against UK2 and their support/refund process has been fantastic but I need somewhere that can host Magento (even my free x10 account managed for a while before the traffic got heavy).

Ideally I'd like to keep it £5-7 a month but if there's a great package out there I don't mind spending. Thanks.
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