Which hosting company for SQL Server + Web App?

11 Feb 2004
Surrey, UK
Hoping someone on here can give me some advice.
We need to host some software. It comprises a .NET web application and SQL Server database so IIS, SQL, .NET and SMTP minimum.

I've been looking at Amazon and Rackspace but I don't really understand their offerings.

Looking for:
Good up time
Reasonable cost
Maximum of 20 users accessing and very rarely simultaneously
Maximum of 300GB disk space

It would be great to simply lease a server then stick all our software on it ourselves since we have MS Partner licenses for just about everything. Is this an option?

Suggestions welcome.
You can lease a server reasonably cheaply. £40 a month for a basic windows dedicated server, rises quite sharply as you add more performance though.

Could possibly look at a virtual server of some sort, may be cheaper.

Fasthosts, 1&1 amongst others do dedicated servers you can just remote desktop onto and install whatever you like.
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