which IDE is best?

1 Feb 2006
Hi guys,

over the next few months il be using the following languages in uni:

java, javascript, php, html, xml, xslt, xpath etc etc

I have dreamweaver already but would like to find another IDE to use with Java.

Anyone recommend me one which encompasses most of the above?

Cheers in advance
Eclipse is decent... Alternatively there is Borland JBuilder (I think there is a free version) which IMO is better than Eclipse for Java developement.
Another vote for eclipse. I use it for Java and PHP, aswell as validating XML. It is great and there are hundreds of plugins for virtually any language
Eclipse for a free IDE. Intelli-J if you can get a licence for it.
Topgun said:
You might as well stick to what your course teaches. Probably netbeans.

Heh, thats like saying stick to blue-j since lots of courses use it for introduction. Horrible program :p
I use eclipse, and it's not too bad. Use it for Java and Ruby/RoR.

Eclipse all the way!
Whats everyones opinion on Netbeans then? I've never had a problem with it. Using Oracle JDeveloper at work now and Netbeans at home.
I use Netbeans, from version 3 up to 5.5 at the moment. Never had any real problems either with any version. Now I've been using it for some time I find it pretty easy to work with. I've only used Eclipse very briefly so can't compare the two.

The NetBeans IDE is a bit "busy" and takes a little while to get used to where all the bits and pieces are but that's the same with any large IDE. I guess this might make it difficult to use to learn Java, at first I found it sometimes got in the way a bit of what I wanted to do.

There were a few times when it was pretty slow, usually when doing stuff with the appserver but the overall speed seems to have greatly improved in 5.5 . Not sure if this was down to NetBeans or SunOne in any case.
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