which iPhone instant messenger?

Beejive IM - flawless. Leaves you connected for 24 hours with the app closed, will offer push notifications when Apple release the service. It has the fastest resume too (believe I've tried all).
Ouch tho! £9.49!

Will have to think about that, thats quite QUITE ridiculous for an IM app even if it is good...

+ it doesnt do skype, so for supported services fring is winnig at the moment, with fring you can make skype calls even!

i'll still give it some thought mind...
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I find IM+ All-in-One Mobile Messenger to be good. It's free.

Beejive looks good, might have to buy it :D.

EDIT: Just bought it, amazing. Best one by far!.

I got it for £7.50 :p. It's on sale at the moment for halloween.
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