which mac is best value for money

Suppose it depends what you're going to be using it for. A Macbook Pro gives you, amongst other things, the option of a more powerful processor and better graphics card than you'd get with a standard Macbook. If you don't need the extra power then go for the MB. You also have the option of 13", 15" and 17" screens. Again, if you don't need a larger screen then you can save yourself some money with a smaller display.

If you're trying to make your money go further and you're fairly competent with computers then you might want to select the MB/MBP configuration with the smallest HDD and smallest amount of RAM and then upgrade it yourself as I'm sure this is cheaper than getting Apple to do the work.
Large screen, lower spec RAM and HDD, upgrade by hand. You can upgrade those bits yourself when you can afford it; you can't upgrade the screen.
Grab the last generation 2.4ghz 15" macbook pro from the stores (last generation machine), comes with a dedicated gfx chipset and you can get it for just a tad over £1000.
As I stated in a post else where recently, I have had my MBP 2.2 for 2 years now, and it's still fast and still feels solid. Refurb store is great for last gen bargains. Memory and HDD will be a lot cheaper from OcUK.
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