Which Mac would you reccomded me?

9 Dec 2006
Looking look a mac, my macbook white just don't cut it any more its good but to loud when i push it.

Budget up to £3000 (although cheaper is better)

touch of win gaming maybe

all that will most probably running at once. i will be editing photo's and maybe some video later on.

i was thinking Imac/Mac pro

but all reccomdations welcome (needs to be desktop):D
If you've got £3k to spend then a new eight core Mac Pro with the 4870 is calling for your attention!
i have 3k yes although id rather spend less :D

what would the minmum specfication mac be for my needs?
& i know you can never have highest but what do you think would be overkill for my needs?
Any of the current 24" iMacs will suit you just fine :)

Although depending on the type of gaming you do need to pay attention to the graphics card.

I can't think of any reason you would need a Mac Pro unless you are doing crazy things within Aperture & Photoshop.

Judging from the specs of your PC you should be able to tell that a Mac Pro is seriously expensive for what it is...
Id go for the £1,369.00 15" Macbook Pro Upgrade the RAM yourself from Corsiar. Cost you a lot less that the £80 that apple charge for 4gig.

15" Because you might aswell get a iMac if you go for 17" they are way too heavy and bulky

If you were happy useing your White Macbook till now, then this will blow your mind and cost you less than half your budget.
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