Which MacBook?

1 Sep 2004
The situation is, as I'm going to uni next year I have decided I want to purchase a MacBook to cut down on the amount of paperwork I will be creating.
The dilemma is, whether to buy the unibody with HE discount (~£800) or the previous model from well known auction site (I've been looking at ones priced around ~£500 buyout).

If I were only using it for the word processing and web browsing the choice would be a no-brainer and save me ~£300 as as a student this is a lot of money to me, the only thing is I would be wanting to play World of Warcraft on it as with the new expansion my desktop is starting to struggle.. so I suppose my main question is how the previous model handles Warcraft? and just a general opinion on what you would do in this situation! is it worth +£300 for a unibody?!

Thanks :)
If you're at all interested in games, then avoid a plastic-cased MacBook that has Intel GMA950 graphics - that chip is pretty much the bottom of the barrel. I don't think all of the plastic-cased ones have that chip, but at least a couple of revisions did.

I'd personally go for the Unibody if the money's OK. It's a solid upgrade in a bunch of areas.
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Get the unibody from refurbished section - they cost 650-799 to general public, plus your discount etc.
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