Which MBP should I go for?

23 Jan 2004
Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK
Afternoon guys,

I'm looking at getting an MBP over summer but can't quite decide which model to go for.

Up until the last update I was hankering after a 13" model with firewire (for audio gear), but now such a model exists I'm being fickle and wondering whether the 15" model would be a better bet.

I could benefit from the higher res from the 15" and I don't carry my current laptop round THAT much at the moment anyway, and the weight difference between my current laptop and the 15" MBP isn't huge.

I think I've narrowed it down to the base 15" model or the one up from it. My question is whether upgrading to get the 9400M and 9600M is worthwhile? I'll be hooking up a 24" monitor @ 1920x1200 to the laptop and would like to be able to watch high def footage. Is the 9400M capable of this or would I benefit from the upgrade?

Any advice'd be greatly apprecaited.

Also, when do people reckon newer models will be released? If it's a matter of waiting a couple of months I'm sure I could hold out.

Thanks for all the input guys.

Think I'll go with the middle 2.66 model. Just a thought, is it worth going for the 7200rpm drive? Does the performance boost outweigh any increased noise/heat?

Cheers again
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