Which MBP sleeve/case?

23 Jan 2004
Newcastle Upon Tyne, UK
Afternoon guys,

After days of looking round at reviews of sleeves and hard cases for my 15" Unibody MBP I'm stumped, and have no idea which to go for. I've got a Crumpler case for my old laptop which has done the trick nicely but I'd be happy to consider other options.

Which cases do you guys have?

Incase Neoprene Sleeve for 15-Inch Aluminium Unibody MacBook Pro.

No contest. :)

Yep those are very nice and wish I would have got one now.

I got a LaRobe case but it has developed a tiny tear in the material where the zip is which is quite a pain. :(

Especially considering I have only took it out and about in the case once. :o
If you just want a sleeve, I went with one of these on a recommendation from here.

Did you get it shippped over from the US or from a retailer in the UK?

I'm torn between one of these and a incase shell. Do you think it would fit a macbook pro that has a skin on it, or would it be to small? I'll probably end up getting the shell and the case if it does.
Does anyone who has a macbook skin ever had any heating issues with them? I don't want it to start melting or marking the case when it gets hot.
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