Which MP3 player?

18 Oct 2002
As my Iriver H10 20gb was stolen I'm looking for a new mp3 player.

Ideally it should be around 20gb (although more isn't a problem), relatively small (same size/smaller than the H10) and with good sound quality (will probably be paired with a set of Shure e2cs). Budget wise I'm looking around £180-200ish.

So far I've seen the Creative zen vision:m 30gb and it seems pretty good. My only concern would be the battery life. Some of the Iaudio players look interesting too. I'm not too keen on iPods though.

Any ideas/recommendations?
I haven't used the iaudio hard disk players, but have thier U2 which i absolutely love.
All the reviews I was looking for earlier though while reseraching it, there was little if any criticism of iaudio. A common theme running was that they have one of the best sound quality.
So I would say, go for anything from iaudio :)
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