Which MP3 player?

17 Nov 2006
I’m going to be spending a year backpacking round Oz so I need something with a lot of storage space and a long battery life. 160GB would be ideal but I could get by with 80GB. I don’t want to spend over 200 but I could probably be persuaded to pay a bit more if someone can come up with a compelling argument:)

As things stand I’m leaning towards the 160GB version of the Ipod Classic as I can pick it up for around 200, it plays videos and Apple claim that the battery life for audio only usage is 40 hrs. However, I have heard a few people on here moaning about the sound quality so I as wondering if anyone had any other recommendations?

I’m not sure if the style of music I listen to makes much of a difference to which type of MP3 player would deliver the best quality sound quality or not but my favourite bands are Guns N Roses, AC\DC and Machine Head.

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