Which MP3 player?

5 Aug 2006
Hey all,

Firstly, please note that this is completely separate from my gaming headset thread:).

I am after an mp3 player as my phone is crap (T-Mobile Pulse) and one of the headphones came off. I used to have a 1st gen nano but I managed to crack the screen, but it did the job well enough before that.

I don't think there is any need to spend over £100 on an mp3 player including in-ear headphones.

Just looking for some recommendations as there are some really terrible mp3 players around!

Thanks OCUK:p
The Clip+ is the best you'll get for under £100. Spend the rest of your budget on some decent in-ears though, the difference between earphones that come with the player and ones you can get even by spending a little can be huge, and make the listening experience much more enjoyable/realistic.
Have a look at the Sony's around that price. I have an S639 16gb that is about 2 years old now and I still love it. Amazing sound, especially with my IE8's
Sansa Clip+ 8GB (£38) + Ultimate SuperFi 5 (around £48) and you're good to go. Bear in mind this earphones are not bass-heavy if it's what you're after.
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I'd go with the Clip+ too... actually I did! It's fantastic and considering (when the 32gb micro SDs are released) you can have a max of 40gb of storage on such a small device, and the sound quality is pretty impressive the price just seems ludicrous. They also pair quite nicely with the Goldring NS1000s as long as you don't mind wearing headphones as opposed to earphones. Both together will set you back around £90-100, but definitely worth every penny.
Sounds like the Clip is what I need then!

With the in-ear phones though, I do tend to break them now and again.
Can an OK pair be had for £20? In the past I have just got £9 ones from Argos (obviously though they will be a bit poo).
I used to use the Sennheiser CX 300-II which can be had for pretty cheap, they sound ok too and can put up with a bit of damage. I used to go through earphones at an alarming rate so for these to have lasted me close to 6 months is pretty impressive.

One advantage of the NS1000s though is the cable is removable so if I manage to damage it I can just replace it with another one. Not sure if there are any IEMs with similar design but it might be worth paying for them in the long run.
Could see if you have the volume restriction enabled I think you change the location to usa and that is lifted not sure.

Barring that I would say buying a £15 e5 headphone amp would be a very wise upgrade.

The Sennheiser CX 300 aren't that great though so not sure about worth getting an amp for them.
What is the fascination with destroying your ears with loud music? I used to do the same thing for about 6 years and I now have relatively bad hearing. It's bad m'kay.

If you get a good pair of isolating earphones/headphones for use outside you shouldn't ever have the need of high volumes, and from experience with the CX300s they go much louder in comparison with my other earphones and headphones.
I have the Clip+ and NS1000s (no E5) and I can't have it at max because it's too loud. The NS1000s don't get even close to the same volume of my other 'phones at the same level either.
i have an 8gb clip+ too and it isnt loud enough, i can can barely hear it when i'm outside.

Solved the issue!
Format it (not via windows, via the settings on the Clip+) and when formatted set the region to 'rest of world'.
Now there is 'volume' in the settings and can set between normal and high. Normal is the same as the medium setting on high. Max volume on high is too loud tbh.

I can only imagine this sound limit is some silly gay health and safety rule.
Had a hearing test for various jobs and passed well, so for me only being able to just hear the music in the gym made me think my new purchase was crap!
I doubt the music would be loud enough to listen to on a plane, bus or train!

Working well now though and it is a decent mp3 player. The Sennheisers aren't bad either.
Thanks for the recommendations guys:).
does it have a belt clip, means I m not allowed pockets at work?

I like my sanns CX300II I think they sound fantasic assuming I got them in the ear probley

side note: what about the fuse (sansa)
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