Which NAS?

28 Aug 2012
I did a quick search in the forum and did not find any other thread asking this. I am thinking of getting myself a NAS storage and I admit I am baffled with all the choice and specs out there. I basically want something that will work autonomously (without having a PC on) and preferably have an inbuilt torrent server. Other things important to me are a good speed and relative quietness of operation. Any suggestions that will not break the bank? Price ideally not more than £150 (I can buy the HDD/SSD separately if need be). Thanks!
Many thanks guys. I shall spend some time reading and researching and come back with something more specific. Synology seems to be the prefered product in many places I searched!
Just one more thing, So far I always had WD HDD in my pc setups and have been happy with them. Any suggestions as to what to look out for when choosing a HDD for a Qnap or Synology NAS? Any transfer speeds etc? Thanks again!
You see, what you guys are talking about, well. Sounds alien to me. I have no idea what all this head parking and disk clicking is all about, and this is precisely why I need to ask for advice regarding a HDD that will require minimum to no maintenance in a NAS....
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