which of these 2 budget tyres



11 Jan 2006
West Midlands

My front tyre will need replacing very soon on my Thundercat. Which of these 2 tyres would you go for based on 70% commuting and 30% spirited rides on the weekend. Maxxis Supermaxx Touring or Michelin Pilot Road?
Without a shadow of a doubt, the Michelin. I've had both back to back and the Michelin wins hands down. I wouldn't class it as a budget tyre, though.
A word of advice: Don't skimp on the only two bits of rubber keeping you upright. (Or the thing protecting your head or body parts).

As said these arent really budget tyres but Road Pilots are pretty good.
The speed rating.

ZR is rated to 240kph+

Can your bike go as fast as that?
If so, buy that one.

Both tyres are 'W' rated, so safe to 168 mph. The 'ZR' rating is a bit redundant these days since the final speed rating is specified by the letter on the end.

The "Pilot Sport" will have a softer compound than the "Pilot Road", so more grip and less life. Those are pretty old tyre designs though, the newer 2CT Pilots that have dual compound tread are better.
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I've gone for the Pilot Road - £63 delivered.

It currently has a BT10 on the front and BT20 on the rear. When the rear goes I will replace it with a Pilot Roadas well.
Both tyres are 'W' rated, so safe to 168 mph. The 'ZR' rating is a bit redundant these days since the final speed rating is specified by the letter on the end.

The "Pilot Sport" will have a softer compound than the "Pilot Road", so more grip and less life. Those are pretty old tyre designs though, the newer 2CT Pilots that have dual compound tread are better.

Shows the last time I bought tyres.
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