Which of these 5.1 headsets for gaming ~£35?

8 Apr 2004
Hi, I'm looking for a 5.1 headset, used mainly for playing my games at night when my 4.1 speakers are a no-no. I only play WoW, RF Online, CS:S and CoD2. I'm not too fussed with music because I do that on my iPod and I don't watch DVD movies, although I do watch US dramas and anime from time to time :D Also, it has to be USB if preferable and easy to setup. It will be hooked to the onboard nVidia SoundStorm sound in my Shuttle.

Atm, I'm looking at these 3:
- SpeedLink Medusa SL-8790 5.1 Surround Headset (SP-000-RA) £35.19 inc VAT
- SpeedLink Medusa SL-8794 5.1 Surround Headset USB (SP-024-SL) £35.19 inc VAT
- Zalman ZM-RS6F+M Real Surround Sound Headphones "Theatre 6" (SP-000-ZA) £29.32 inc VAT

Anyone have these themselves and what are your opinions? If you have any other recommendations, not just those available from OcUK but in general, then please feel free to offer me your advice :)
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