Which of these is the better psu?

6 Nov 2005
Which of these is the better psu? (Changed choice need to order tonight)

Thermaltake PurePower 460w
Hiper HPU-4k580 Type R 580w Modular

I'll be running (see my sig) and want to OC the X2 to about 2.6+ from the stock 2.2. (temperature/stability permitting) I've read that the Thermaltake has 54A on it's 12v rails.. sounds not bad. I wont be running SLI or Crossfire since i've got an asrock dual board so i really don't see the need for a mass of power. The thing that puts me off about the hiper is the fact that there seems to be lots of them selling second hand on a well known auction site... makes me think people are upgrading to better things.. I know i should really throw caution to the wind and get the Enermax Liberty 620w at £100 but it's £40 more than the hiper and twice the price of the Thermaltake, seems like it'd be a bit overkill in my machine too.
Anyway you guys are the experts, and have probably had experience with these psu's so i'd welcome your opinions.
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Out of the two, probably the thermaltake, but as mentioned, neither are particularly good psu manufacturers.

Hipers seem to have a lot of failures and tend to cause damage when they do fail. They are also noisy by spcr's standards.
Older thermaltake psu's were said to be good value for money, but i'm not sure about the newer ones.
I read a review of one where the fan was completely manually controlled and it was very easy to cook the psu without knowing. They are also noisy according to the same review.

I think your best option is to get a lower power psu from a decent manufacturer. You won't need anywhere near 600w.
Aswell as the above mentioned manufacturers you should consider Antec, specifically their NeoHE series. I reckon the 430w version would be a good buy.
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Yep any of the brands mentioned above, and something over 450w preferably with dual rails - I personally favour Antec, as have had nothing but good experiences with them.

In the next hour i'm gonna have to get a power supply ordered, my mate says whatever I get, get two of them cos he's needin one too. So i thought meet in the middle and order 2 Enermax Liberty 500W at £70+del seems to be good value and looks like it'll handle both our requirements.
Would the majority agree with my decision?

Just as a foot note my m8 is running an X2 3800 in an Asus Sli (not sure which one) 6600GT (aparently going to get an ocuk 7900GT soon) so that PSU should be plenty for him to, and should also leave him enough extra power so he could get another 7900GT at a later date i'm assuming? He just built it and intends to overclock it a bit... It'll be interesting to see who gets the better overclock.. My X2-4200 or his X2-3800 i guess superpi would be the best way to compare them? or
right that's it done 2 enermax liberty 500's ordered... £151 delivered... so me and my m8 are both happy. I found the trustedreview about the type r pretty funny but then the guy with the hiper that thought you were bashing him a bit.. go have a look on *b*y.com and you will see a whole lotta type r's for sale... wonder why that is??
I'm a bit confused about the Hiper Type-R modular's, when they were first available everyone was recommending them but now they're supposed to be avoided?
I got mine in the early days, and haven't had a problem. Quiet, reliable voltages (according to BIOS) I don't have a problem with design apart from the PCIE was about 1ft shorter than what I would have wanted it to be. £65 - bargain for what I got.
Joe42 said:
To be fair, it blew up the Trustedreviews test centre when they reviewed it!
And we had a spate of 'my hiper blew up and killed my system' posts.

For the most part, i am the 'anti hiper club' for those reasons.
And its noisy.
And its overpriced.
And its poorly designed.

We'll have to agree to disagree. Mine is silent, inexpensive, and I have no problems with the design. Obviously, it's down to personal experience and so far I'm impressed with mine. Hopefully it doesn't blow up in the near future, if it does I'll join your club. ;)
fenderbass86 said:
I'm a bit confused about the Hiper Type-R modular's, when they were first available everyone was recommending them but now they're supposed to be avoided?
They looked good, sounded good, didn't cost too much and worked, so everyone bought them and recomended them.
Unfortunately it seems some of them were too good to be true.

When they work, they seem like good psus, but a large number of people have had problems. SPCR say its noisy, but thats in a silent pc enthusiasts perspective. So to me its noisy, to you its probably fine and no louder than anything else in your system.
fenderbass86 said:
Oh, so it's not good enough for you but it's good enough for me?! :p
Are you a silent pc enthusiast?
I'm not happy if i can hear my pc. And i'm getting there, slowly.
Most people don't realise its switched on. I enjoy it, its an art trying to get a fast hot overclocked machine to be virtually noiseless. ;)

Look, if spcr say it not quiet enough, then its not quiet enough for me.
Loudness always depends on your perspective and how much noise to like to have or tolerate.
Your definition of quietness may seem a little noisy to me.
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