Which of these on Blu-ray/HDDVD?

27 Mar 2004
I just need to know what format these DVD's will be on.

Deer Hunter
First Blood
Black Hawk Down (I heard Blu-Ray only?)
LOTR Trilogy

Cheers. :)
Is there any website with a search box where you can just type a film and then get details on which format it'll be on?

How about Collateral, Heat, Top Gun, Girl Interrupted, Coyote Ugly :o , Single White Female and Saving Private Ryan?

It seems that it'll be a while yet before i even show any interest in buying either a Blu-Ray or/and a HD-DVD players. I was even considering the PS3 primarily for the Blu-Ray player but it seems a bit pointless seeing as the first 8 films i would but are mixed between the two formats! :(

What happened to the rumour about the players with both a BluRay and HD-DVD built in?
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Chronos-X said:
Wait... all films will be either one or the other?

I do know that all films will be either format. I just thought that it's sods law that the films i most want are split between HD-DVD and Blu-Ray! :)
miracleboy said:
There will be dual format players out anyway, so it won't matter after a while.

That's good news. I really wouldn't want to buy both a PS3 and an Xbox360.

Would the dual format players have 2 different draws in one machine or just have one drawer that takes both the HD-DVD and the Blu-Ray discs?
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