Which of these two?

30 Oct 2005
Corsair 2GB DDR XMS3200C2PT TwinX (2x1GB) CAS2 (MY-079-CS)

or these

Corsair 2GB DDR XMS4000PT TwinX (2x1GB) CAS3 (MY-094-CS)

For this comp

Asus Premium, 3700 sandy, 7800GT.

Would like to overclock to 2.6ghz plus but might also run at stock.
The PC3200 stuff is listed on the asus premiums approved vendors list, (=attractive with experience of ballistix in RMA at the mo).
CAS2 probably, especially if you will run at stock. Overclocking shouldn't be too much of a problem (use dividers). Personally, I would have said G.Skill ZX though.
I'm tempted by the G.Skill but after the ballistix gradual decline and rma I am hoping for a nice stable system again. I am a little freaked out by the thought of overclocking on dividers with the pc3200 stuff. Does the asus premium allow this and is it possible it will adversely affect performance?

Thanks for the replies above.
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