Which of you professionals make a living solely through photography?

6 Jan 2006
I know that there are quite a few photographers on here that make money through photography, mostly as wedding photographers. However, is your 'job' a photographer or do you do photography as a bit-on-the-side earner?

I'm toying with the idea of doing a bit of portrait photography and possibly weddings to make some extra cash but was wondering what kind of scope there is to potentially quit my day job all together.
Hunders, you have just unknowingly taken a large bat to an even larger wasps nest.

Going pro or even part time is about soooo much more than taking some photos and selling them.

Thank for the information, bud. It's all things that I have considered after reading around on the matter a lot, and trust me, I don't intend to leave my day job at the drop of a hat and declare myself a 'pro wedding photographer'.

My plan was to firstly get into portrait work, either at the clients home or on location, in order to supplement my main income and grow from there. I would never dream of doing a wedding with the equipment that I have now and do plan on getting backups in the future.

My motivation for starting this thread was simply, out of interest, to see how many of the great photographers on here do it 'full-time'.
The reason why I am looking at doing photography to earn extra money IS because I enjoy it so much. I don't see it as an easy earner at all but rather I see it as a way to potentially make some money while doing something that I really enjoy and can learn more from.

I think you guys have latched on to the word wedding a little strongly, too. As I say, I don't think I am capable of shooting a wedding just yet but I merely mentioned it as a possibility for the future if things go smoothly.
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