Which one of these Zombie films should i get?

26 Nov 2006
guildford, surrey
Im ordering a new game on play.com in a minute, and i want to get a new film aswell, im in the mood for a zombie film so these are my choices:

Dawn Of the Dead (1978 original)
The Evil Dead uncut (1981)
Day of the Dead (1985)

Which one of these would you say is better, i havent seen any, ive seen evil dead 2 and also dawn of the dead remake, liked em both.

Which one of these to get?
Hard one with Evil Dead and Dawn of the Dead. Pretty different zombie films but both very good. If you can try and get both.

Dawn of the Dead would be the more slower paced zombie movie while Evil Dead is faster paced. And is more serious than Evil Dead 2.

I wouldn't get Day of the Dead at all, not a good film.
And if you decide to make another purchase, get the Dawn of the Dead remake. Although I know a fair few people have mixed opinions on the film, I absolutley loved it :D
johnnyfive said:
hills have eyes better than all of them.

not a zombie film though and tbh its one of the most disturbing films i have seen (and i have seen some bad ****)
Get all of the evil deads!.

Ash said:
Now listen up, you primitive screwheads. See this? This... is my boomstick! The 12-gauge double-barreled Remington. S-Mart's top of the line. You can find this in the sporting goods department. That's right, this sweet baby was made in Grand Rapids, Michigan. Retails for about $109.95. It's got a walnut stock, cobalt blue steel, and a hair trigger. That's right. Shop smart. Shop S-Mart. You *got* that?

Evil dead 3 is my favourite tho


steveo said:
not a zombie film though and tbh its one of the most disturbing films i have seen (and i have seen some bad ****)

It was disturbing. I remember having to walk on a multi storey carpark straight after watching it at the cinema. I don't like horror movies but the story and filming was pretty good.
steveo said:
not a zombie film though and tbh its one of the most disturbing films i have seen (and i have seen some bad ****)

I giggled all the way through that :confused:.

Think im a bit warped :D

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