Ok they're pretty huge compared to the Aegos that replaced them. I really wasn't prepared for just how huge and there was quite an involved rearranging of my desk to accomodate them..
That is the thing with stereo speakers; they have to be somewhat larger than what you get with 2.1 speakers. Small satellite speakers that come with 2.1 speakers, just aren't capable when it comes to lot of the mid range frequencies. There tends to be a hole where what the upper frequencies of what the subwoofer is capable of and what the satellites are capable of.
Ideally, pairing larger speakers, such as those the size of the Edifier's with a subwoofer in a 2.1 set of speakers, would provide better coverage of frequencies. But then, you end up with larger satellite speakers, which a lot of people don't want when it comes to 2.1. They would prefer small speakers on desk, while having bass as well.
It's a compromise. Convenience of smaller speakers on the desk and more bass, for overall better sound quality.
Initial thoughts an hour in: huge step up for music quality, the high end clarity difference is just staggering and it's so much crisper than anything the Aegos could do.
The low end seems to be lacking a bit somewhat, as said above I don't know if i'm just not calibrating it correctly.
Increased clarity with the Edifier's, will likely be because Aego satellite speakers don't have tweeters. I'm not certain of that though, as I have never seen behind the mesh covers. Size of the satellites look to be too small to accommodate tweeters as well. Tweeters cover the high frequencies.
Bass will be stronger with Aego's, because as you've mentioned, they have a subwoofer. Again, physics. Edifier's have 4" woofers, which can only go so low. For stereo speakers with stronger bass, you'd need larger speakers. To come close to what a smaller subwoofer is capable of, they'd need to be considerably larger.
Now I have them I have a couple of questions:
1. My motherboard doesn't have an optical out so i'm left to choose between the old fashioned line out or bluetooth. I know bluetooth likes to compress data so my question is which is going to result in better sound quality?
2. Are they just plug in and go or do I need to go through some kind of calabration sequence with them? At the moment they sound much nicer in the high range than the Aegos but lower down there doesn't seem to be as much "punch" to the bass they're putting out. The Aegos however had a dedicated sub so is that the reason?
I'd probably just use the motherboard's audio. Unless it's either noticeably poor compared to using Bluetooth, or there is some interference being picked up by the motherboard audio.
No calibration required, except maybe just adjust the treble and bass knobs until you get the sound you want.