Which open source CMS/CMF

9 Mar 2012
West Sussex, England
A while back I was looking at grabaperch but concluded that there is probably just as good open source alternatives, so what are people's thoughts?

To put some context behind choosing a CMS or CMF I'm looking at the following criteria but is there anything else I should also consider?

  • PHP or Python since I favour LAMP
  • Good fit with Bootstrap eg I'd prefer to incorporate CMS code in to my HTML5 pages
  • Secure
  • MySQL
  • SEO / Mod rewrite support
  • Support for existing account login systems / oauth with MS, Twitter, Google, Facebook etc
  • Support end user members in addition to the usual web site owner / editior users
  • Baked in features rather than 3rd party plugins although extensibility is also a consideration
  • Lightweight and efficiently coded
  • On page front end editorial editing would be nice to have
  • Good admin UI, easy to understand for client adoption
  • White labelled / customisable admin interface
  • Support for SSL
  • Actively developed / maintained project
  • Best license terms

A few I've found so far to be well spoken of, in no particular order...

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