Which PC game should I play?

13 Aug 2011
I've purchased a few games based on reviews and popularity.

However, I'm not getting into any of them and find myself getting bored or not enjoying them after playing for a couple of hours.

Games I've loved and enjoyed in the past:

- Half Life series
- Medal of Honor Allied Assault (one of my all time favourite FPS)
- The old Doom games
- The Walking Dead Season 1 (Season 2 was OK but not as good)
- Championship Manager 01/02
- The very first Deus Ex (Human Revolution was OK but I enjoyed the first one more)
- F.E.A.R. (the first one)

Games I've tried recently but couldn't get into. I know I'm going to get slated now!

- Dishonored
- Crysis
- Far Cry series
- Borderlands
- Metro 2033
- Sleeping Dogs
- Portal series
- Battlefield 3
- Stalker
- LA Noire

The next set of games are again highly rated and I've seen YouTube videos of but just aren't my type:

- The new Doom (looks way too fast and frantic)
- Bioshock Infinite
- Deadspace
- Alien Isolation

So, based on my likes and dislikes, can you put some recommendations for games I can try?

Did you give the ones you say didn't like a fair chance?

To get the ball rolling, I'd say take a look at the expansions to the first F.E.A.R. game, Extraction Point and Perseus Mandate. F.E.A.R. 2 is quite good as well (including the dlc).

Stalker is great (I'm biased), though I wouldn't even consider playing it these days without mods.

Yeah played them for at least a couple of hours
Maybe you need to try something a little less mainstream so consider Grow Home or the recently released Grow Up. Takes a few mins to get used to the controls and use a controller but at least they're cheap. Very relaxing and somewhat challenging.

If you did happen to try them there was a bug that when the speakers are set to 5.1/7.1 sound the game can randomly crashes.

Thanks for the recommendation. I've just watched a YouTube video and I don't think I'd enjoy playing it. But I appreciate it anyway
FTL: Faster than Light

It's very nearly the best game I've played in the last 10 years.

Of the ones I've played, I'm broadly of agreement with your likes and dislikes (aside from me not enjoying Half Life and loving Portal).

I found Bioshock (original) to not be much fun. loved the world, intrigued by the story, bored by the gameplay. Didn't like Deadspace either.

I've recently been really enjoying my first taste of Dark Souls, albeit I'm only about 12 hours in and haven't had time to play any games at all for a few weeks. Good if you like a challenge and don't mind a trying/dying/trying/dying/trying cycle (I happen to like that sort of thing).

Just checked a YouTube video of FTL. I'm not doubting it's a good game but not quite what I fancy playing just yet.
How about System Shock 2? It is an old game, but still a fantastically atmostpheric FPS with RPG elements and (i think) a great story (links up with Deus Ex in your post).

Maybe Just Cause 2 (haven't played 3, but i'm guessing it's very similar). Open world silliness where you can do as much or as little as you want of the actual game (like a better version of GTA imo)

Again, I've heard a lot of good things about System Shock 2 but it just looks a bit too dated for my liking.
Oblivion / Skyrim ?

Left 4 Dead ?

Unreal Tournament ?

I've played Unreal Tournament in the past. It was out about the same time as Duke Nukem. I never really liked it much in all honesty.

Also, Left for Dead is another game that just seems to fast paced and hectic for my liking with too much going on.
The Wolf Among Us

I've heard a lot of good things about this game. I'm actually just started playing Batman - The Telltale Series which is OK but a bit slow with not a lot of interaction.

The Wolf Among Us is apparently right up there with The Walking Dead Episode 1 which I enjoyed immensely. Definitely one that I'll be checking out very soon.
Tales from the Borderlands since you liked The Walking Dead.

I thought it was even better. Different, but lots of character and good writing. You dont have to like or care about the Borderlands games/universe at all to enjoy it.

Thanks. Yes, this is another Telltale Games I've heard a bit about and am definitely considering this too.
Another vote for the Wolf among us, since you like the walking dead. Really cool story and quite different.

Also, Limbo, and its spiritual successor Inside are both excellent atmospheric puzzle platformers.

Brothers, a tale of two sons is another favourite of mine.

For shooters, rainbow six siege is a fun tactical shooter that rewards thought as well as aim and reaction times. Works best in a group, as does Payday 2 which is also a very fun coop shooter and/or stealth game, but that can be frustrating with a rubbish set of randoms. Also a load of dlc that is hit and miss, but the vanilla game is solid.

Depending on what it was you liked about GTA you might like mafia 2 (getting on a bit, but I really liked the setting). Very different setting and game altogether, but witcher 3 is the best open world game I've ever played so I feel compelled to suggest it.

Also, for a laugh rocket league is great craic once you get good enough to actually hit the ball in the right direction.

Thanks. I was just looking at a few reviews of Rainbow Six Siege yesterday on Metacritic as the series was available on a Humble Bundle deal. However, it got a lot of really negative reviews which put me off.

I played GTA V on the PS3 and games like this and Mafia, I've found, are best suited when using a joypad - which I don't yet have for my PC. I've only recently got back into PC gaming
OK, thanks very much everyone for your input and recommendations. I think I've got enough to keep me busy now for a while. I'll let you know which ones I've enjoyed. I think I'm going to start off with Project IGI as it seems to appeal to me the most from looking at gameplay footage.

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